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  • I didn't know that they could do another X-ray so soon after the ones after the surgery...Did you go on the internet? What did you find out about the V/Q scan i had?
  • A V/Q scan (Ventilation Perfusion Scan)is two scans that examine air and blood flow in the lungs.
  • Did they get you to inhale a powder and take pictures, and then take more pictures after they injected something into your vein ?
  • Yes. The technician said that they were radioactive tracers, but the radiation was at such low levels that it was not dangerous 
  • Well, that sounds right. The V/Q scan allows them to see air and blood flow through your lungs. It is used to rule out of pulmonary embolism.
  • Based on Barb's scans there was an abnormality in the perfusion scan.
  • Based on the scans there is a problem in the blood flow to your lungs
  • What i don't understand is why they scanned my legs with the CT and then did and ultrasound. I know my legs are swollen, perhaps a little more than usual
  • John grabbed the chart hanging on the bed and started reading the notes from when his wife was admitted.
  • Barb's heart rate- 95 Normal- 75Barb's blood pressure- 90/58 Normal-110/65Barb's arterial PO2 - 78 Normal- 100Barb's artieral PCO2- 49 Normal- 40Barb's CPK- 2.7 nanograms/mL Normal- 3.0 nanograms/mLBarb's blood Troponin-l- 1.9 micrograms/L Normal- Less than 3 microgrmas/LBarb's breathing rate- 20; labored Normal- 12 per minute
  • PO2, is oxygen partial pressure PCO2, is carbon dioxide A troponin test measures the levels of troponin l proteins in the blood. Troponin is released when the heart undergoes damage, such as a heart attack. The more damage the more of Troponin
  • Barb's heart rate- 95 Normal- 75Barb's blood pressure- 90/58 Normal-110/65Barb's arterial PO2 - 78 Normal- 100Barb's artieral PCO2- 49 Normal- 40Barb's CPK- 2.7 nanograms/mL Normal- 3.0 nanograms/mLBarb's blood Troponin-l- 1.9 micrograms/L Normal- Less than 3 microgrmas/LBarb's breathing rate- 20; labored Normal- 12 per minute
  • Barbara you have a pulmonary embolism. you show swelling in your legs, the perfusion showed irregularities in the blood flow in your lungs, troubled breathing, and an increased heart rate.
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