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  • I do not know, but its not going to be good...
  • There is a contagious deathly sickness going around, I don't know what caused it, and there is no cure. what shall we do?
  • they will never know...
  • theres only one thing we can do.
  • I need to find a cure immediatly...
  • I'm sure by now, all of you know about the deathly sickness. I have come to conclusion that we will catapult all the dead people out of the kingdom, so no more people get sick.
  • The bubonic plague started in 1346 and was the most fatal pandemic recorded in human history. Back when the plague first started, scientists and doctors did not know what it was, they only knew how bad it was. A little while after the plague started a doctor/scientist named Alexandre Yersin discovered the bacillus and informed the king at the time.
  • People in Rome were dying rapidly and resulted in at least 280,000 deaths, with some estimating fatalities as high as one million, or about 35% of the population. The king had to make a huge decision that he believed would help his people.
  • The king had made the order to his men. to get rid of all the dead people by catapulting them out of the kingdom, and informed the public. When Yersin heard the news he was desperate to find a cure.
  • And so they did...
  • While the king and his soldiers were launching people out of the castle, the kings wife was dying from the plague. While she was dying Yersin did tests and found that the cause of the plague was bacterium spread mostly by fleas that are on rats and other rodents.
  • Yersin stayed up many nights doing tests on rats and humans trying his hardest to find a cure, but he never did and died with the rest of the people. Nobody found a cure till 1896 when finaly scientists found Effective treatment with antiserum.
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