"Mama frowned down into the flour barrel. "Only one tablespoon, Cassie, and not so heaping. Page 150
'That barrel will ave to last us until Papa goes back to the railroad." Page 150
"But, Mama, we always use two.Page 150
"Now, David, No-" "David he's just a boy." I know, but-"" He's got more brains and learning than that," Mama snapped. Page 157
" I think i'll take Stacey with me." " He'll be thirteen next month, honey, and he needs to be with me more. Page 157
" Baby, a boy get as big as Stacey down here and he's near a man. He's gotta know a man's things. He Gotta know to handle himself." " Marry, I want him strong . . . not a fool like T. J." page 157
I can't take him with me on the railroad, but I can take him with me where I go' round here. And I want him to know business . . . how to take care of it, how to take care of things when I ain't around." Page 157
"Hey, baby . . . " Papa said faintly, " I'm . . . all right. Just got my leg broke, that's all...Page 160
"But his head-" Mama said, her eyes questioning Mr. Morrison. But Mr. Morrison said nothing further and Mama turned to Stacey. Page 160
" Wagon rolled over it,"said Mr. Morrison, avoiding Mama's eyes. We better get that let set. Didn't have time on the road. Page 160