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Unknown Story
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  • In The Courtyard Of The High Priest
  • I have spoken openly to the world, why question me?
  • Is this the way you address the high priest?!
  • Annas
  • Your teachings have caused quite the stir, mind enlightening me?
  • Peter’s Denial
  • Outside:
  • H
  • No, I’m not. I do not know him.
  • Maid servant
  • You aren’t one of this man’s disciples too, are you?
  • Jesus Before Pilate
  • Crucify him! Crucify him!
  • Give us Barabbas!
  • Is that your own idea, or did others talk to you about me?
  • Are you the king of Jews?
  • The soldiers take Jesus to Annas, the father-in-law of High Priest Caiaphas. Here, Jesus is questioned about his teachings to the disciples. To which he boldly declares that they were done openly in temples and synagogues. This infuriates the temple guards, and one strikes Jesus.
  • The Soldiers’ Mockery
  • Hail, King of the Jews!
  • Meanwhile, upon Peter’s arrival and denial of entry to the courthouse, a maidservant asks him about his discipleship. Not just once, but three times. Each time, Peter denies it. A rooster crows after the third time. This incident is foretold by Jesus at the farewell meal alongside Judas’ betrayal. Peter boldly declares that he will lay his life down for Jesus, but the later reveals that Peter will disown him three times before the rooster crows.
  • Jesus Crucified
  • Noon, Passover Preparation Day.
  • Annas redirects Jesus to the Roman Governor: Pontius Pilate, where he is asked about his kingship over Israel. Jesus states that his Kingdom is not from this world, but it is for this world. After this, Pilate hesitates to find Jesus guilty. However, the crowds shout for Jesus to be punished above all else, and so Pilate reluctantly condemns Jesus to death.
  • The Death Of Jesus
  • Women, here is your son, and to you—my disciple, here is your mother.
  • Jesus is then taken by the Roman soldiers, and they perform cruel acts on him. They crown him with thorns, clothe him in purple, and taunt Jesus. This cruelty is amplified when they begin striking Jesus. Later, Jesus is taken to be crucified.
  • They force Jesus to carry his own cross all the way to Golgotha, where he is crucified between two others during noon on the Passover Preparation Day. In response, Pilate places a inscription above Jesus’ head that states, “jesus of nazareth, the king of the jews.”
  • Jesus, the king of the Jews.
  • Before Jesus’ final words, he attempts to forge a relationship between Mary and the future church by telling his beloved disciple to look after his mother. Afterwards, Jesus drinks wine vinegar placed on a hyssop plant. Which also brings us to Jesus’ final words, “It is finished,” and his death.
  • Mary
  • Beloved Disciple
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