You need to do your laundry tomorrow.
Meanwhile, in the princess's quarters, Athena disguises herself and gives the princess a reason for finding Odysseus...
My lady, please pity me. Battered and wrecked, I come to you first of any from this land...
Girls, show this man to the city! He desperately needs food, water, and a bath.
Hear me daughter of Zeus! If you have helped me in previous cases of suffering, I pray for your help again in Phaeacia!
You need to do your laundry tomorrow.
Meanwhile, in the princess's quarters, Athena disguises herself and gives the princess a reason for finding Odysseus...
My lady, please pity me. Battered and wrecked, I come to you first of any from this land...
Girls, show this man to the city! He desperately needs food, water, and a bath.
Hear me daughter of Zeus! If you have helped me in previous cases of suffering, I pray for your help again in Phaeacia!
You need to do your laundry tomorrow.
Meanwhile, in the princess's quarters, Athena disguises herself and gives the princess a reason for finding Odysseus...
My lady, please pity me. Battered and wrecked, I come to you first of any from this land...
Girls, show this man to the city! He desperately needs food, water, and a bath.
Hear me daughter of Zeus! If you have helped me in previous cases of suffering, I pray for your help again in Phaeacia!
You need to do your laundry tomorrow.
Meanwhile, in the princess's quarters, Athena disguises herself and gives the princess a reason for finding Odysseus...
My lady, please pity me. Battered and wrecked, I come to you first of any from this land...
Girls, show this man to the city! He desperately needs food, water, and a bath.
Hear me daughter of Zeus! If you have helped me in previous cases of suffering, I pray for your help again in Phaeacia!