The Blue Man died because of Eddie running into the street as a kid. The Blue Man impacted Eddie's life by telling him everyone is connected. Out of the Five people Eddie meets the Blue Man is the lowest rank in importance in Eddie's life.
The captain and Eddie served together during WWII. The captain was the one who shot Eddie in the leg. He impacted Eddie's life by teaching him sacrifice is a part of life. The captain is the 4th most important person to Eddie because of his sacrifice.
Ruby and Eddie never met when they were alive, although, she helped him the most. She showed Eddie that his father wasn't as bad, and that forgiving him would help himself. Out of everyone Eddie met in heaven she is the second most important.
Marguerite was Eddie's wife. Marguerite impacted his life by teaching Eddie that lost love is still love. She could feel his love for her, even after she died. Out of the five people she was the most important person to Eddie.
Tala was the shadow Eddie saw in the Philippines. She impacted his life by telling him his purpose was saving children at the pier. Tala is the 3rd most important person Eddie met because of her lesson to him.
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