Hey accept my offer to make you the greatest track athelte ever.
The Initiation
OMG! Your amazing kid
DId I really?
You broke 4 world records in a day!
(Thinking)... This kids unbelivable
The Road Of Trails
No way!
I dont know if this is for me
You can back out of this anytime, but I recommend you keep going.
The hero is called to adventure by a spirit who offers to make him the greatest runner/sprinter of all time and he accepts maybe not knowing that he will never lose a running competition again.
The Innermost Cave
I should have never accepted Im going to ask to take all of this back. I could have been good naturally
The hero goes to college and is unsure about whats going to happen then once the coaches can see what the hero can do they talk to some olympic coaches which makes the hero excited
The Return
Just be yourself and always work hard for whatever you want!!!
The hero is in his last meet/competition and realizes he'll never lose, so that makes him kinda feel curious as to what his actual potential actually is. He talks to the spirit who comforts him by telling him he could revoke his journey if he wanted to.
Fast forward the hero is now nationally famous and is mentally broken because he wishes he can see what his true potential actually was, but no one knows this because it's shocking how a high school student can beat the time of what used to be the ''best runners¨ the hero thinks he might not continue and asks the spirit to rid him of this power.
The hero revokes his power by speaking to the spirit and becomes a motivational speaker since he's still famous. He goes on to teach kids worldwide how to get faster and to always work for what they want instead of wishing for it.