My dear subjects, I'm allowing you to follow in your faith and for everyone to live happily together
After Akbar's death
You people will do what I say and convert to Islam or else!! Taxes wil also be higher!
The reign of Shah Jahan, the fifth emperor, between 1628–58was the golden age of Mughal architecture. He erected several large monuments, the best known of which is the Taj Mahal at Agra, as well as the Moti Masjid, Agra, the Red Fort, the Jama Masjid, Delhi, and the Lahore Fort.
No more taxes!! No more taxes!!
During the era of Akbar's ruling, it was very peaceful and everyone live harminously. Akbar himself was very tolerant to other religions. He abolished jiza (payment non-muslim need to pay). He fill up his government with both Hindus and Muslim.
After his death, religious tolerance started to decreases with issues between Hinduism and Islam. Aurangzeb started to enforce Islamic laws and this outraged the people from other religion.
Aurangzeb force everyone to convert to Islam and this angered many people. His wishes to expand the empire, drain all of the empire's treasury which led to pesants uprising.
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