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My name is Thomas Paine and I am an author and I fight for the citizens, I feel the citizens should make the laws and not the King and Queen.

That sounds very interesting Mr Paine, perhaps I will read your books someday!

So what is this common sense you speak of?

Well you see common sense is everybody´s nowadays problems, I want to protest that by making books about how citizens should be in charge of the law.

All people are to be treated equal through life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and they posses it all.

So Mr Ben Franklin, which side have you chosen? Will you go with the British and become a loyalist? Or remain in the Colonies and become a Patriot?

I am confident that this nation will succeed in the future, therefore I have decided remaining with the Colonies to become a Patriot will be the wisest choice for me.

Mr William Franklin, I heard your father is becoming a Patriot, what will you choose?

I am rather shocked but I cannot stop him, I am becoming a loyalist because I believe the decisions of society shall all fall on one persons responsibility and that is the king.

The chances of a revolution here are pretty high, I do not doubt the chances of there being one, a revolution here would mean war which would then lead to the nation not being completed. Therefore it would be unfortunate for us.

But a revolution would mean the Colonies Vs Great Britain right? If this does happen I do have high hopes for Britain. I think the King should just remain in charge with not further explanation so we don't have to fight to decide on one.

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