Warning: Do not record copyrighted materials (background music, movie or tv clips, etc.)
One thing that you can’t aff ord to miss out on this aspect is yourbehaviour or the offi cial conduct. No matter how busy and dedicated you are towardsyour work you are probably going to not score any point if your offi cial conduct isn’tacceptable
All will certainly agree that success on the work front is one thing which every workingprofessional wants to attain
A useful factor in building positive relationships is to understand that each person has a uniquecommunication style
Being able to communicate eff ectively is therefore essential if you want to build a successfulcareer
To do this, you must understand what your message is, what audience you are sendingit to, and anticipate how it may be perceived.
You must also weigh-in the circumstancessurrounding your communications, such as situational and cultural context.
Body language is the nonverbal and often unintended communication on the part of oneindividual to another.
In general, body language expresses anindividual’s emotions, feelings, and attitudes.
How you say it accounts for about 38%
What you say accounts for 7% of your impact; and
Non-verbal communication accounts for more than 55% of the impact you make;
Professional Conduct
Communication Styles
Using Body Language