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Creation 2

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Creation 2
Storyboard That

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  • Can we do it
  • Yeah
  • Come on lets clean
  • This story Depicts The amount of trash we have and that we need to do something about it it destroys nature and kills animals that have done nothing to us and we are ruining their lives and this breaks one of the four Harmonious Relationships To be in Harmony with the rest of creation when we destroy all the nature and animals which means we destroy creation This Story also shows how we have broken the Bible verse ''God created Man and Woman in God's own image and likeness" this means that we should be living with Harmony with all of nature like he intended for us. We dump at least 3.5 million tons of plastic and other solid waste a day into our precious world. A way we can fix this is by starting an organisation like clean up day but for a weekly thing every Friday a group of people go around the streets where they live and clean up.
  • In this Picture the Mother is convincing the Judge to put the Organisation into action.
  • In this picture the Organisation is cleaning up the streets.
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