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The character is showing no emotion, which has a lackluster impact on the story. The position is basic and does not evoke any feeling or connection to the story or reader.

This character's body language shows an inquisitive or contemplative pose, which re-affirms her statement. This shows how far a simple tilt, facial expression, and change of arm positions can affect the visual element of the story.

Ineffective Character Posing

Effective Character Posing

I wonder what I should buy today...

I wonder what I should buy today...

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Ruotare:   Rifletti Orizzontalmente Rifletti Verticalmente title= Ruota di 90 ° a Destra
Strati: Portare Avanti Portare in Primo Piano Invia Indietro Mandare Indietro
Edit:   Copia Stretch to Fill Tagliare Cancellare
Cancellare Blocca Posizione Sblocca Posizione

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