  • Iskanje
  • Moje Zbirke Zgodb

Common interests

Ustvarite Snemalno Knjigo
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Common interests
Storyboard That

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Preizkusite brezplačno!

Ustvarite svojo snemalno knjigo

Preizkusite brezplačno!

Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Billy is lining up to buy lunch and Clara from her biology class joins the line up behind her.
  • Alice is at Science World when Tom from her softball team walks past her.
  • Erin is in the library and notices Nat from her art class .
  • When Shannon goes in to a cafe she sees Ben from her history class.
  • Selina and Bella arrive at the mall to meet their friends, but they don't eachother. When their friends go to the washroom they start talking.
  • Peter is new at school, when he goes to his locker, he sees Claire who went to the school band auditions that he went to.
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