Ekipe ne more učinkovito delovati brez komunikacije in skupnih informacij. Ko so perspektive, sposobnosti in čustva na prostem, team odnosi so dinamični in produktivni. Posamezniki lahko izboljša uspešnost svojega moštva, ki aktivno iščejo načine za izmenjavo informacij znotraj skupine, in s pritiskom na preglednost, iskrenost in pristnost. Leta 1955 je ameriški psihologi Joseph Luft in Harry Ingham določeno metodo za posameznike, za vizualizacijo in sebe in svoje odnose z drugimi razumeti. Okno Johari je orodje za organizacijo in inventarizacije osebnostne lastnosti, od znotraj in zunaj perspektive.
A breakdown of the informational spheres negotiations take place in.
johari window quadrants
Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo
Known by Them
Common Knowledge
Known by You
Their Secrets
Unknown by You
Unknown by Them
This information is known to all parties. Negotiations that take place in this area can more easily build on trust and are like shared puzzles. The negotiators may have different interests, but they are operating in the same environment to realize their goals.
Your Secrets
This is the information that could help you (like their bottom line), but which you don't know. You may be able to access this information through research and observation, or through disclosing your secrets in exchange.
Unavailable Information
• Bottom Line:• Goals:• BATNA:
Your secrets contain information that the other negotiators don't (yet) have access to. You can share this information to shift these items into the sphere of common knowledge, but doing so could weaken your power in the negotiation.
This contains information that neither party is aware of. It may be something unpredictable in the future, current data that has not been gathered, or common misapprehensions. Negotiations that rely heavily on matters unknown to either side are shared gambles.