Industrijska organizacija je področje študija, ki proučuje razlike med "popolne" konkurence med podjetji najdemo v ekonomskih učbenikih, in "nepopolno" konkurence na voljo v realnem svetu. Eno orodje izhaja iz polja, je "pet sil" analiza Michael Porter, že od samega začetka svoje semenske knjige, konkurenčne strategije. Porter razvil analizo pet sil kot strožji variacije pogosto uporablja SWOT analize. Okvir se osredotoča na raven konkurence v industriji oceniti strateški položaj podjetja. V nasprotju z analizo SWOT, pet sil raziskava poslovnega okolja, ne pa obravnavanje samo določeno podjetje. Skupaj z analizo PEST, da koplje globlje v priložnosti in nevarnosti v SWOT.
Five Forces Sub-Analysis - An in-depth look at the factors which influence new entrants to the widget industry.
Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo
No Key Intellectual Property
Economies of Scale
While some widget production processes are still patented, many alternatives exist and are widely available for a nominal cost. This benefits new entrants.
The widget industry is not remarkably profitable. This will deter new entrants.
The low margins on widget production are primarily due to cost of raw materials. Profitability comes through mass production. This impedes new entrants.
Internal Regulations
Welcome to the 83rd annual WMC convention.
Factors Impacting Entry into the Widget Industry
Expensive Facilities
Since the Great Widget Collapse of 1937, the Widget Manufacture's Consortium instituted stricter marketing rules to protect consumers and burden new entrants.
Modern widget production requires significant land, structures, and machinery. These items usually require extensive capital investment, raising barriers to entry.