  • Iskanje
  • Moje Zbirke Zgodb

Conflict Resolution

Ustvarite Snemalno Knjigo
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Conflict Resolution
Storyboard That

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Ustvarite svojo snemalno knjigo

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Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Yes!! it went it so I got a point!
  • Migo and Gian are very competitive with each other. One day they were playing football. Migo hit the ball into a pole but the ball still managed to go inside the net. 
  • That does not count! Besides it hit the pole first.
  • At this point the two friends are becoming angrywith each other.
  • It does count because it is inside the net.
  • No! according to the rules it should be directly to the net
  • Gian, you don't understand football at all! I got a score fair and square.
  • Ok Fine!
  • They went outside the court to talk.
  • No need to shout Migo, why don't we just asked Mr. Jeffrey and ask him if indeed that will be counted as a point for you.
  • Mr. Jeffrey, will i have a point when the ball hit the pole first but still landed in the net?
  • Migo and Gian went to see Mr. Jeffrey. Mr. Jeffrey is the school football coach. They told Mr. Jeffrey what happened during their game.
  • As long as it landed inside the net there will be a point.
  • I think he should not get a point on that.
  • See, I told you I got a score on that.
  • Yeah, me too bro...I 'm sorry I got mad at you.
  • Yes , you're right and Im sorry I shouted and got angry at you. 
  • You know what, Let's just forget about it and lets play again. We need to practice so we can try out for the football team.
  • Yes, and lets practice hard so we both can make it to the football team!
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