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Halloween dates back 2000 years to the Celtic festival of Samhain or summer's end.

53% of U.S. consumers decorated their homes in 2020.

Hocus Pocus is ranked by IMDB as the number one Halloween movie of all time!

In medieval Ireland children went door-to door performing songs or poems or tricks in exchange for treats.

Pumpkin carving comes from the Irish legend of Stingy Jack who tricked the devil and wandered the globe carrying a lantern - Jack of the Lantern.

Halloween is the second largest commercial holiday in the U.S. after Christmas.

Halloween Fun Facts!

148 Million

3.1 Million Princesses

2.4 Million Superheroes

2 Million Spider-Mans

1.4 Million Batmans

People in the U.S. who celebrated Halloween in 2020.


Percentage of Americans who carved pumpkins in 2020.



U.S. consumers spent on decorations, candy and costumes in 2020.

Top Costumes of 2019

Number 1 Adult Costume: Witch

Number 1 Pet Costume: Pumpkin
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