In this activity the child is firstly told instructions on how to part take in the game. There after the child must match the coins in the left column to their accurate amount in the right column, however if the child is still struggling with this I have included an exercise used for kids to help tell the difference between cents and rands.I created this activity to develop an awareness of south African money specifically identifying coins. 
Grade R
Will we be using real coins ma'am?
Good afternoon. Today we will be continuing sorting coins by colour and shape. 
Here the teacher is explaining that you take your coins and line them up on the left side and draw a line with a ruler to match their values on the right Hand side
Yes and I will show you how
R2 R5R20R550c10c20c
Now the kids are sorting the coins and matching whilst the teacher observes and corrects where necessary.
The teacher than discusses the animals on the coins and what the difference is between rand and cents. then they work on a separate sheet to group the cents and to group the rands.