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Discovery of Fire and Its Importance to Our Ancestors

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Discovery of Fire and Its Importance to Our Ancestors
Storyboard That

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  • Through this comic strip, we'll discuss the discovery of fire and its importance to our ancestors.
  • I'm freezing. uhhh
  • Did you know that fire frightened the early humans? No one truly knew how or if our ancestors discovered fire, or if they didn't.
  • Who knows, maybe they used flint stones smashed together to make sparks, or maybe they rubbed two sticks together to generate enough heat to ignite a fire.
  • Yes, they were terrified of fire, but they had the intelligence to recognize that they could use fire for a variety of purposes.
  • At night, fire provided light and kept wild creatures at bay.
  • Our forefathers relied on fire for warmth, and without it, they might have froze to death.
  • Fire was useful in hunting. A herd of animals could be driven over the edge of a cliff by hunters with torches.
  • I caught one!! Go find more so that we have enough food for today.
  • Steady...
  • Humans also discovered how to use fire to cook food and smoke to preserve meat. Cooking improved the flavor of the food and made it simpler to swallow.
  • Yum!!
  • The End uwu
Ustvarjenih več kot 30 milijonov snemalnih knjig