God created heaven and earth, and earth was formless and empty, darkness was deep and waters covered the surface. Then God created light and saw it was good, separating it from the darkness, he created day and night- with that came the first day.
Zdrs: 2
God created a dome between the waters up above and the waters below and called it the sky . That was the second day.
Zdrs: 3
Then God created the dry ground to separate the waters. Gathering the waters together, he called them seas. The gathered seas revealed the land on which he created vegetation with seed-bearing plants and trees that bore fruit of various kinds. God saw it was good, and that was the third day came.
Zdrs: 4
Then God created lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night that would be used to mark time and seasons and give light on earth. He made two lights, a greater one to govern the day and a lesser one to govern the night. He also made stars.
Zdrs: 5
God then filled the waters with swimming creatures of every kind and let birds of every species fly above the earth in the sky. That was the fifth day.
Zdrs: 6
Finally, God produced living creatures that could move along the ground, wild ones and livestock of every kind. He then made humans in his likeness to be stewards over the fish in the sea, birds in the sky and animals on the ground. He made humans male and female and offered them all the fruit and seed-bearing plants as food. He saw that it was VERY good. On the seventh day he rested, blessed it and made it holy.