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Jack and the beanstalk

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Jack and the beanstalk
Storyboard That

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  • Once upon a time, there was a boy called Jack. He lived with his mother in a small house. They were very poor.
  • One morning, Jack’s mother told Jack to take their cow to sell it. But on the way, he saw a man who gave him some beans for the cow
  • When Jack backed home her mother saw the beans and she was angry so she threw the beans through the window.
  • The next morning, Jack looked a giant beanstalk. He climbed the beanstalk and he saw a castle.
  • When he entered, he saw a harp and hen who lays golden eggs. A giant entered to the castle and sat down in his chair. The harp played and the giant fell asleep. Jack ran away with the harp, hen and golden eggs
  • Jack's mother chopped down the beanstalk and the giant fell down. Finally, Jack and his mother lived happily ever after.
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