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“Daedalus and Icarus”

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“Daedalus and Icarus”
Storyboard That

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Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • I regret, I cannot let you leave Crete, Daedalus. You are theonly man who knows the secret of the maze and how to escape from it. T e secretmust never leave this island. So I’m afraid I must keep you and Icarus here a whilelonger
  • How much longer?
  • One day King Minos summoned to his country a famousinventor named Daedalus.King Minos wanted Daedalus to build him a palace, with soaring towersand a high, curving roof. In the cellars there was to be a maze of manycorridors—so twisting and dark that any man who once ventured in there would never find his way out again.
  • But to work for such a wicked man, Icarus! And to beprisoners all our days! . . . We shan’t stay. We shan’t!
  • But we can’t get away, can we? How can anybody escape from anisland? Fly?
  • For at the heart of that maze, King Minos put a creature that was half man, half beast—a thing almost too horrible to describe. He called it theMinotaur, and he fed it on men and women!
  • Then Daedalus wanted to leave Crete at once, and forget both maze andMinotaur. So he went to King Minos to ask for his money.
  • Daedalus and Icarus lived in great comfort in King Minos’s palace. But theylived the life of prisoners. Their rooms were in the tallest palace tower, withbeautiful views across the island. They ate delectable food and wore expensiveclothes. But at night the door of their fine apartment was locked, and a guard stoodoutside. It was a comfortable prison, but it was a prison, even so. Daedalus wasdeeply unhappy.
  • Every day Daedalus put seed out on the windowsill, for the birds.When a bird came for the seed, Daedalus begged it to spare him onefeather. T en each night, when everyone else had gone to bed, Daedalus worked bycandlelight on his greatest invention of all.
  • One year later they are finally able to escape
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