hello im dr boussaina and i can help you with any problem
so lyme disease is a bacteria in your body that infects you, it might go around your whole body if i dont take care of it for you, and the symptoms are fatigue, itches and headaches, and a skin rash callederythema migrans
oh ok are you sure it will work?
but to not to itch it or not to get headaches use these antbiotics it will help
ok but can you tell me how to prevent ticks if i see it again?
what you do to prevent ticks is you first spray your clothes and then later on if you want to go out somewhere tuck your shirt in your pants and tuck your pants in your socks and wear long sleeves if your going to a outdoor grassy place.
oh ok but what if i have lyme disease again?
so then after that you should protect your self and be careful around any grassy wood areas. they might be there hiding to get you. and you should cary tick spray or bug spray.
thank you so much
you need to be careful around ticks if you get lyme disease again it might not be easy to treat it but here, take this anitbiotics it will help you treat the tick