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Ustvarite svojo snemalno knjigo

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Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Telemachus speaks with Athena, who, disguised as a traveler, advises Telemachus to arrange a speech to persuade the Suitors to leave.
  • What should I do?
  • Book 1
  • Telemachus tell the suitors to leave, but they refuse. He then sets sail to search for his father.
  • Get out!
  • Book 2
  • How about... no.
  • Telemachus travels to Pylos and asks Nestor, who fought along side Odysseus, about his father's fate. He says he did not stick around to find out his fate and tells Telemachus the story of Agamemnon.
  • Tell me about my father.
  • Book 3
  • Telemachus travels to Sparta and asks Menelaus about his father's fate. He reveals that Odysseus is alive, trapped on an island with Calypso.
  • What do you know about my father?
  • Book 4
  • Hermes tells Calypso that she must let Odysseus go. Although reluctant, she bends to Zeus' will and allows Odysseus to sail off.
  • Don't go!
  • Book 5
  • As Odysseus sees Scheria, Poseidon conjures up a storm, but the goddess Ino saves him.
  • Book 5
  • Take my veil!
  • Athena whispers ideas about marriage into Nausicaa's mind.
  • You will fall in love with Odysseus
  • Book 6
  • After going to the river, Nausicaa sees Odysseus. Athena blesses Odysseus to make him look handsome, and because of the whispers of marriage in her mind, Nausicaa falls in love.
  • Book 6
  • Wow, he's hot.
  • After arriving at the palace for a feast, Demodocus sings about the fight between Odysseus and Achilles. Odysseus cries from the painful memories. Alcinous notices and continues on to the games.
  • Then Odysseus and Achilles fought
  • Book 8
  • Let's go on to the games...
  • After the games, Odysseus returns to the palace for another feast. As Demodocus sings about the Trojan Horse, Alcinous again notices Odysseus crying and asks who he is.
  • And then they sacked Troy
  • Book 8
  • Who are you?
  • Odysseus travels to Ismarus and sack it. They lose 6 men per ship and sail away.
  • Book 9
  • Odysseus's ship lands in the land of the Lotus-Eaters. After eating some of the fruit, Odysseus' men do not want to leave. Odysseus drags his men back to the ship.
  • Oh no you don't!
  • Book 9
  • Let me go back!
  • Odysseus and his crew are captured by a Cyclops, but Odysseus and his crew escape after blinding the Cyclops.
  • Come back here!
  • Book 9
  • Run!
  • Odysseus meets with Aeolus, god of wind, who gives Odysseus safe passage home. However, he warns him not to open the bag of winds he gives him. Sadly, his men open the bag, throwing Odysseus' ship to the land of the Laestrygonians where some are killed.
  • Hey Odysseus, I'm gonna seal the winds for you, but don't open this bag.
  • Book 10
  • Thanks!
  • Odysseus then travels to the island of Circe, a powerful witch. She turns Odysseus' men into pigs, but with Hermes' help Odysseus turns them back into humans. After a year of staying with Circe, Odysseus asks Circe how to get home, and Circe tells Odysseus to go to the land of the dead.
  • How do I get home?
  • Book 10
  • Odysseus travels to the land of the dead where Teiresias tell him he will return home are retake his wife from the suitors. He also says to not eat the Sun God's Cows. Odysseus also sees his mother, Agamemnon, Heracles, and many more.
  • You will get home eventually. Also, don't touch the cows.
  • Book 11
  • How do I get home?
  • Odysseus and his men pass by Scylla, who is able to eat a few of them before the escape
  • Book 12
  • Odysseus and his men land on Thrinacia, the island of the Sun. Although Odysseus tells them not to, Odysseus's men eat the cattle, causing them all to die at sea,
  • Let's eat them!
  • Book 12
  • Odysseus comes back to Ithaca after 10 years. He is talking to Eumaeus when Telemachus appears. Odysseus reveals himself to Telemachus and they plan to kill the Suitors.
  • Father, is that you?
  • Book 16
  • It's me!
  • Telemachus comes back to visit Penelope and tells her that Odysseus is alive, while Theoclymenus states that Odysseus is in Ithaca.
  • Mother!
  • Book 17
  • Telemachus!
  • Odysseus disguised as a beggar, walks towards his palace. Along the way, he is insulted by Melanthius, a servant of the suitors, and Antinous, one of the Suitors.
  • Book 17
  • Haha, a beggar!
  • Odysseus still disguised as a beggar, talks to Penelope about Odysseus. After convincing Penelope that he knows Odysseus, he tells her that he is still alive.
  • Book 19
  • What do you know about Odysseus?
  • Odysseus is sent to be cleaned by Eurycleia. Eurycleia is able to recognise Odysseus by his scar, but he swears her to secrecy.
  • Odysseus?!?!
  • Book 19
  • SHHHH!
  • Penelope announces her next husband will be the one who can string Odysseus' bow and shoot it through 12 axe handles. After gaining loyalty from some of his followers, Odysseus proceeds to shoot the bow through after all of the Suitors fail.
  • Book 21
  • Odysseus and his supporters fight off the Suitors until Athena joins the battle, killing them.
  • Book 22
  • Odysseus reveals himself to Penelope, but she doesn't believe him. However, after making a comment about the marriage bed, Penelope realises that this is Odysseus and rejoices with him.
  • It's me, Odysseus!
  • It can't be!
  • Book 23
  • Odysseus visits his father, Laertes. However, due to his senality, he is unable to recognize him at first, Eventually, they rejoice.
  • Yes dad, it's me.
  • Is that you son?
  • Book 23
  • The Suitor's parents try to storm the palace but Athena turns them back. Odysseus becomes king once again and sets out on his journey to appease Poseidon.
  • Turn back mortals!
  • Image Attributions: ( - susannp4 - License: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed

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