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Thirteen Colonies

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Thirteen Colonies
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Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Religion in the Colonies
  • We gather here today for a peacful religious gathering that everyone must attend
  • Religion in the Colonies
  • It's so hard to keep our faith with our owners forcefully pushing Christiantity onto us.
  • Converting to Chirtianity would be our best option
  • Religion in the Colonies
  • We had a Great Awakening. We as a Chruch teach liberty, equality, and self-rilance
  • A religious seromony is going on and everyon must be there or else they will be arrested. Though the sermon is peaceful the reprocutions if you disagree are not.
  • Rights of the Colonists
  • Hey! Remeber we are still English citizens!
  • Two slaves are talking about how they should convert to Christianity because of the very foreful pushing they are getting from their masters.
  • Rights of the Colonists
  • I love this law!
  • What do we all think of this new law?
  • I have no opinion
  • This is a repersentaion of The Great Awakening. In this era slaves started to become more open about this religion because of how equality is taught.
  • Rights of the Colonists
  • You broke our law now you must be punised!
  • In the 13 colonies the colonists had self-government, but all still considered themselves English citizens.
  • I love how we in the colonies have self-government!
  • This is parliment where they all vote on laws and taxes proposed by the king or queen.
  • I am confused with this law
  • I am against it!
  • When you broke a law in the colonies there were many different punishments. Sometimes you could be punished by death or be humiliated publicly.
  • Oh no!
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