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ANcient Greece

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ANcient Greece
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Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Rocky Mountains
  • We need to find some food or we'll starve!
  • The Sailors Explore 
  • Hm! there is a lot of land here, Maybe there's some food here!
  • New ways of life
  • Omg!! there is so much fish in the ocean!!  we won't starve
  • In Ancient Greece, The people didn't have good farmland , so they had to use the water which led to them being really good sailors. 
  • sailed away away
  • The people would travel to new places and explore the world, since they were really good sailors.
  • 10 years
  • In Ancient Greece, the people didn't have good farmlands so they would find food in the water. 
  • This is when Paris and Helen sailed away on a boat, and escaped back to troy.
  • In Troy, they had a walled city so the men couldn't get into the kingdom, so they kept thinking of ideas
  • The warriors are building a horse to get into the kingdom and invaid it. 
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