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School comic

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School comic
Storyboard That

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Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Kyle would have just been teamkilled by team mates. He has just raged at his game and would have left and gone to school.
  • You Died
  • Kyle would stand outside of school early on really sad as he would wait for someone else to go into school. As he would wait, fed up, Daniel would begin to approach him.
  • Sigh
  • Kyle and Daniel would be discussing about why Kyle would be sad outside the front of school.
  • Why do you look so sad? Are you ok?
  • I would be sad because i am bad at video games and i keep getting trolled
  • Daniel would give Kyle ideas about how he can prevent bullying and about how he can make some of the trolling stop.
  • Lets go for a walk! We can discuss our favorite games.
  • Try blocking and reporting them so that they get banned!
  • Thats a good idea! I will do that when i get home
  • Daniel and Kyle would leave from outside school and would discuss what games they would like as it would still be very early in the day before school.
  • What games do you like to play? I like COD.
  • I like COD, but my favorite game is GTA V
  • Daniel and kyle would continue to discuss their favorite games as they would cross the road and would begin to head back to school,.
  • I like valorant too
  • My favorite game is actually Valorant, but GTA is close
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