I am doinggreat.But I’m worried about my tomoto garden
During this time, the weather is volatile. Resulting in poor productivity on the farm and still suffering from diseasesand insects. I don't know what the cause is. can you recommend.
Whathappened? can i help I've gardened tomatoes before.
I justfinished fixing my lawnmower and am heading to the lemon garden. How are you?
Then let me see your tomato garden.
Howdo I fix it?
thank you so much
Iwatered this morning.
Really, Ithink it's because of insects. I just sprayed insecticide the other day. Didyou know why it's root rot?
Youwill need to water regularly. If there is not enough water, the tomatoes canwilt and rot.
Yes.That is, using Trichoderma water to water the plot to kill the fungi in thesoil so that it does not spread further. Have you watered today?
Causedby fungi in the soil. fungi attached to seeds or planting material The waterused for watering is contaminated. And your seeding tray wasn't cleaned first.
Oh! Chaiwath your tomatoes are rootrot.
Thatday, I went to see Mr. Ann. He said the same.
When I didn'tsee you in the afternoon, where did you go?
Iwent to see Thammawit. for advice on solving problems of our tomato gardenwhich is now root rot.