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Compassion prayer comic strip

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Compassion prayer comic strip
Storyboard That

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Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Hi Katie, how was school?
  • It was okay I guess.
  • What's wrong?
  • Well, I got into an argument at school with my friend and the teacher got mad and she told us to show compassion. How do I even do that?
  • Well, first of all you shouldn't be getting in trouble, and I hope you both apologized to the teacher and each other!
  • I know I promise it wont happen again, and yes dont worry we apologized.
  • Second Don't worry, I will teach you a prayer about compassion that my mother taught me when I was little, and it helped me to be more compassionate to others. 
  • Really, thanks mom!
  • Yes of course! just go get changed and i'll meet you in your room .
  • Okay!!
  • Thank you for all that you have done for me, I am so grateful. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Amen.
  • Any time sweetheart, i'm glad I could help!
  • Wow! Thank you mom, I will remember this forever.
Ustvarjenih več kot 30 milijonov snemalnih knjig