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  • Moje Zbirke Zgodb

Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Please help, Sikhism originated in india but they don't approve of our cultural clothing pieces.
  • No!  My turban is part of my culture! It means alot to me and my family ...
  • Take that ugly thing off of your head! India is done letting you people wear what you want.
  • Cover page
  • I dont understand! im getting told to take my turban off but it is apart of my culture and family! We originated her.
  • Begging for help
  •  Back in real life, I was taunted for my turban when i was younger by many teenage boys and once i got attacked the police officer agreed it was not appropriate!
  • Flashbacks...
  • Now i am 25 years old and about to walk into my world famous job helping with bullying, racism and discrimination and gotton over my thoughts of what other people think and there judgement. I still get judged by my Turban and "what is that on your head" Everything us better now
  • Flashbacks...
  • Back in real life
  • ending.
Ustvarjenih več kot 30 milijonov snemalnih knjig