there is a mysterious creature that haunts our vilage
on a sunny morning, while the resident were talking, a girl came running towards them and cried in fear. Then while crying the girl also said that she saw a monster in the forest that was haunting the vilage.
You are right James, we leave the monsters to you
then I have to find a way to get rid of him!!!
Good luck on your Journey James
is that true??
hahaha, good luck, human
he must be a human from that vilage
A young man named James went into the forest to look for a monster that had been haunting his village. Finally after going inside. In the forest he met the 2 monsters and chased them away but the monsters didn't leave but offered a deal to find them a magic flower in a dark cave.
if you want us to leave here, then bring us a magic flower from the dark cave
Oh, so you are monsters, get out of here quickly, you guys!!!!
I will immediately bring the stone and expel you as soon as possible!!
finally I was able to find the magic flower
After going through several obstacles to enter a dark cave, the young man manage to find a magic flower at the end og the cave and immediately took the flower to give to the two monsters to make theme leave the village area.