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American Revolution

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American Revolution
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  • French and Indian War, 1754-1763
  • No taxation without Representation, 1774
  • The Shot heard around the World, 1775
  • Native Americans were angered with with the English expanding their territory into the Natives so they aligned with the French to stop England. They lost this war and were forced to give up more land to the British but the British were now in Debt.
  • Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
  • Because of their Huge debt, The British put heavy taxes and taxed almost everything. The colonist hated the taxes on everything and thought how could they fix this problem but they could not do anything as they had no representation in the British Government. With this they boycotted taxes and came up with the Phrase ¨No Taxation without Representation.¨
  • French alliance and Battle of YorkTown1777-1781
  • After Colonist protested, the British sent their army to suppress the colonist in Concord and Lexington. Paul Revere then alerts the colonist which leads to the battle of Lexington in which is when the first shot is fired starting the revolution. After, The colonist take down the British army in Concord causing the British to retreat.
  • Treaty of Paris, 1783
  • In 1775 the second Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia. There they voted to declare independence from the British. Thomas Jefferson then wrote the declaration of Independence in June 1776. 1 Month Later on July 4, 1776 the declaration of Independence was signed and Adopted. This Marks the beginning of the United States.
  • The Americans win the battle of Saratoga which was very crucial. The French were then convinced that the Americans could win this war so they start helping out in 1777. In 1781 the battle of Yorktown took place in which British Soldiers were surrounded by American and French Troops. The British Army then Surrendered to the joint American and French Forces.
  • On November 30, 1782 the Treaty of Paris was drafted then Signed by British, American, and French Diplomats on September 3, 1883. This treaty recognized The United States of America as its own independent country. This Officially ends the American Revolution.
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