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Baptism Part 1

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Baptism Part 1
Storyboard That

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Preizkusite brezplačno!

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Preizkusite brezplačno!

Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Knock Knock KncoK!
  • I have no idea what you are talking about, my mom just sent me here to pick up laundry
  • Ah so I see you have recieved my call for help.
  • Ha ha, that sounds like something your mother would say. Don't get me wrong, she loves you very much, but she sent you here becauase we believe that you can help save everyone
  • No time, just know this is a very dangerous mission, do you want to participate
  • Uh, I guess...
  • Praise God! We have a chance. I will need to transfrom your body because you are too weak now.
  • Uh OH
  • Oh, we are just in a special part of my lab, I can simutae any experince I want.
  • In order to stand a chance aginst the mind controlling heat wave, you must submerge yourself in this freezing water to give your mind a chance against the brainwash.
  • Oh so thats, what is happening. Wait... where are we
  • Woah, I feel so much different now, so much more... in conrtol. Also, where are we
  • Yes, you spent three days in that water, you should be able to resist all of the temptaitons from the Great Flame that is brainwashing and enslaving all of the people of the Sonoraon Desert in Arizona. I have to leave you here, as I will not be able to resist the Great Flame. It is all up to you. I gave you your powers, you must now help me by saving everyone.
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