Oh, hi Leena! I'm reading about the current child abuse case of Bella
Oh, I've saw that issue all over the news now. I felt sorry for Bella
Indeed since this involve human rights issue.
Hmm.. what do you mean by human rights issue?
So, here it is..
According to the UN Office of the High Commissioner forHuman Rights (OHCHR), human rights are rights that all people have, regardless of their nationality, residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or other status.
Not only just that, Bella also has the right to be recognised for the developing capacities of children with disabilities, as well as the right of children with disabilities to maintain their identity.
In Bella's issue, it's involve both rights of child and rights of person with disabilities. It is stated that the child shall be protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment from anyone in anyway.
If you look through the Internet you can see clip videos about Bella's condition after being abused.
Hey, since you like to write why not you write an article regarding human rights issue?