I will drop it in Cassio’s bedroom and let him find it.
it is none of your business. Give me the handkerchief.
Look Iago what I found. What are you going to do with it?
Desdemona dropped her handkerchief. It was the first gift from Othello to her. Iago asked me multiple times to steal it from her. I do not know why but I am going to give it to him, he’ll be so pleased
How could she cheat on me?! I am going to find a way to kill her.
No, Desdemona is honest and I have no proof of her infidelity. And why would she have done that?
Well, then lieutenant, you have three days to tell me that Cassio is dead
General, I swear that I will put my entire self to your service whatever it takes.
Do not worry, my friend is already dead. But please do not hurt Desdemona.
I don’t know… maybe she started comparing you with her own countrymen.if you want to keep an eye on Cassio, do not give him his position back.
Then come walk with me and Tell me if I’ll see you tonight
Hello Cassio. I missed you… you were away for a week!
Oh Cassio, is it a gift from your new lover? This is why you were absent.
Why are you shouting? No I did not lose it, you just cannot see it now. You are trying to distract me from convincing you about Cassio. Talk to him!
not at all, don’t be jealous. I found it in my room, I don’t know whose it is but I want the embroidery copied before this person comes take it back. Now please leave, I need to see Othello and I don’t want him to see me with a woman.
I’m sorry Bianca, I was going to come see you. I had a lot of problems here. Here I found this handkerchief, copy the embroidery please.
I am doing all of this for nothing! I have been beaten and I will have nothing in return.
What have I done? My reputation is lost. I do not remember what happened clearly. I need to find a solution to get my post back.
I can’t right not, I’m sick so could you please hand me the handkerchief I gave you?
Yes, it was one of my gifts to her. I wish that Cassio had more than one life to make him suffer multiple times. My vengeance will be terrible and my wrath will never calm down.