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Quetzalcóatl's Journey to the Underworld

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Quetzalcóatl's Journey to the Underworld
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Snemalna Knjiga Opis

This is the story of how Quetzalcóatl went to the underworld to get the bones of ancient humans. With these bones he planned to make new humans.

Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Quetzalcóatl starts his journey ,to obtain the bones of the ancient humans, in the first realm of the underworld. Here he must pass a river with the help of the guard who is a xoloitzcuintli dog.
  • Quetzalcóatl made it to the second realm of the underworld. In this realm he has to plan every movement because the mountains move and crash into each other.
  • The third realm proved to be a challenge for Quezalcóatl. In this realm he had to venture over a sharp obsidian mountain, which slowly tore away at his body. Luckily, he is a god so he was able to heal and continue on.
  • The fourth realm was a realm of constant snow and violent winds. Quetzalcóatl was too determined to stop, so he continued his journey.
  • The fifth realm was a continuation of the fourth. It was covered in snow and had violent winds, but had no gravity. If Quetzalcóatl had failed to hold on he would have been pushed back, by the wind, to the first realm.
  • In the sixth realm the land was normal, however there was a constant rain of arrows from the sky. Quetzalcóatl was able to dodge most arrows, but the ones that hit him didn't affect him since he can heal.
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