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climate change

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climate change
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Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Sam drives to his local grocery store to get his food for the week.
  • Hey Sam, you should've walked with me to the store, it's not much of a far walk.
  • As he arrives, he sees his neighbor right outside the grocery store.
  • Oh well, I thought it was easier to just drive.
  • I started walking so I could lower my carbon footprint! It's the small things that can help our environment the most!
  • Wow! I never thought about it like that, I will definitely start walking more!
  • Did you know that vehicles release about 1.6 billion tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each year?
  • That is bizarre! The public really needs to stop driving cars so much.
  • Yeah I totally agree! Vehicle pollutants are hazardous to our health and contain greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change which is why we should limit the amount of driving we do!
  • Thank you so much for warning me about this Emma, I will definitely start walking more often now!
  • Of coarse Sam. I'm happy to help! I guess I better go get those groceries now! It was so good to see you.
  • Me too! I will see you later!
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