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Kurt Vonnegut made statements involving human nature and absurdity saying, "And endlessly commercials—many screaming, cajoling, and offending. And most of all boredom." When Kurt made this statement, he was alluding to the fact that during many types of entertainment or media, there is way too much advertising, offending, etcetera, but boredom as well. Many media outlets will worry too much about getting a reaction from people, or be lost in advertising, when in reality they are missing the entire point. The point is to entertain, but majority of the time end up failing and disregarding the viewer as a whole.

This is ridiculous! WHY, Is there just a bowl of rice on top of a hotdog on top of a taco? And what is that man doing!

Well. I was told to meet here for a surprise. The fruits of my labor have not been obtained.

I'm just trying to enjoy a nice day at the beach and a giant dog arises from the sea!

Interesting... there seems to be a 1800s knight in this modern store reaching for a drink. How extremely odd and absurd!

I just came here as a vacation! Why am I being haunted by spirits!

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