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Ustvarite Snemalno Knjigo
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Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Intro
  • OW
  • Rising action
  • What did I do?!
  • climax
  • Me to.
  • I'm so tired!
  • A kid named Stanley Yelnats had a poor family and his dad keeps trying to find a way to recycle old shoes to get money. One day he was walking under a overpass and shoes fell and hit him on his head.
  • Falling action
  • It turns out they were Clyde Livingston's shoes a famous baseball player they were worth a lot of money and were stolen, they thought Stanley stole them so sent him to court where they sent him to a boys detention canter in the desert named Camp Green Lake.
  • conclusion
  • At camp Green Lake they made Stanley dig holes 5 ft deep and 5 ft wide. he met a kid with the nickname Zero. Zero got tired of dinging holes so he ran into the desert and Stanley went after Zero and then Stanley remembers an outlaw named Kissing Kate Barlow that lived a long time ago and robbed a lot of stores. She also robed Stanley's great great grandfather and he said he found refuge at a mountain that looked like a big thumb. Stanley took zero to big thumb but zero drank sploosh that he found. Zero got so sick he passed out so Stanley caried him up the mountain and when he did that he broke a curse that was put on Stanley's family and they got good luck.
  • Conclusion
  • Stanley and Zero survived up there for weeks by eating onions and drinking water out of a pond they found. Then after zero was not sick anymore they went back to camp Green Lake at night so everyone would be asleep and they started digging where Stanley found a gold lipstick tube and they found Kate Barlow's treasure chest.
  • Water!
  • There were yellow spotted lizards on the chest and they got on them. The lizards are deadly if they bite you. The lizards did not bite Stanley and Zero because they do not like onion blood. While on the mountain they ate 260 onions. the police and Stanley's lawyer came to the camp and the warden and Mr. Sir went to jail because how they treated the boys at camp and they did not have zero's files and Stanley was found innocent of the crime.
  • Zero who's name was Hector Zeroni split of the money that was in the suitcase. Zero used it to hire private investigators to find his mom then after that they stayed friends' and everything was better then ever. Stanley's dad invented a solution to foot odor.
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