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Animal Farm Comic strip

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Animal Farm Comic strip
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  • Chapter One
  • "Now comrades, what is the nature of this life of ours?Let us face it: our lives are miserable,-laborious,-and short. We are born, we are given just so much food as will keep breath in our bodies,..."
  • Chapter Two
  • " Comrades I guarantee you that Sugarcandy Mountain isn't real. We all know Moses is a tale-barer none of you trust a word that comes out his beak.
  • Chapter three
  • "...It is foryour sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do you know what will happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back!..."
  • This part of chapter one is Old Major giving a speech. Old Major's speech was about how no animal in England knew happiness and how man was the Lord over all the animals even though the man never gives. His speech inspired the animals, especially the song he taught the"Beasts of England" The song led them in the direction of the rebellion and installed in the animal's heads that man was the enemy.
  • Chapter Four
  • This scene in chapter two is when the pigs had to convince some of the other animals that Sugarcandy Moutain wasn't real. Sugarcandy Moutain is a place that Moses made up and told the other animals. Sugarcandy Moutain is a place up in clouds where it's " Sunday seven days a week" and " lumps of sugar and linseed cake grew on the hedges.
  • Chapter Five
  • "...He had seemed to oppose the windmill, simply as amaneuver to get rid of Snowball, who was a dangerous character and a bad influence...."
  • At the end of chapter three, Squealer has to explain to the other animals why he and the other pigs needed the apple and milk. Squealer would make excuses, saying that it was "scientifically proven" that the pigs needed the apples and milk. He also said that they didn't even like the milk and apples, but they needed them for their well-being.
  • Chapter Six
  • "Snowball has done this thing! in sheer malignity, thinking to set back our plans and avenge himself for his ignominious explosion., this traitor has crept here under cover of night an destroyed our work of nearly a year." 
  •  In this scene in chapter four, Mr. Jones and his men come to take the farm back. At the beginning of the fight, Jones and his men were winning, but once the animals gathered enough courage, the animals were fighting back. During the fight, the animals on the farm were getting their hits in Snowball also knocked Jones in a pile of dung. In the end, Jones and his men retreated, the animals won the Battle of Cowshed.
  • "Retreat"
  • At the end of chapter five Squealer was sent to explain to the animals that the plans for the windmill were Napoleons. He was very sly when he said that Napoleon planned to get rid of Snowball and continue with the windmill. None of the animals questioned Squealer since he was very persuasive also had the dogs with him.
  • At the end of chapter six, Napoleon convinced the animals that Snowball ruined the windmill. The real reason the windmill fell over is that the walls were too thin, but the animals didn't want to admit it, so in the end, the blame was on Snowball. It isn't uncommon to hear Snowball's name when something unpleasant occurs.
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