Hey Ms. Ratatuie im upset because they took me away from my mom
Hey piggy its been awhile how have you been
Ive been okay the last few months have been sad. Most of my siblings have died because of diseases
Piggy why have you've been gaining so much weight
The factory is giving us antibiotics that fatten us up without eating a lot.
We are stuck in small cages while many of us can’t walk or stand because of how much weight we have gained and developed arthritis.
Ohh little piggy I wish you the best :(
I'm getting taken to a slaughter house. Pigs are slaughtered by being individually introduced into a restraining box where they are rendered unconscious by stunning them, usually with an electric current applied by electrodes or by gas stunning.
Over 1 billion pigs are slaughtered in the world each year. The pork carcasses are gutted and split in half and sent through a rapid chill at very cold temperatures (-4 to -40 degrees Fahrenheit) to improve meat quality