According to the Shinto myth, in the beginning, there were 2 Gods- Izanagi and his wife, Izanami- who were asked by the spirits to create a new land.
Zdrs: 2
Izanagi struck the ocean with a spear, drops fell from the tip of the spear forming the first Japanese land.
Zdrs: 3
Father, look I made a tree!!!
Izanagi and his wife Izanami settled on this first land and gave birth to all other islands that now form Japan. They also gave birth to a range of different gods that inhabited each of these islands, such as the god of wind, trees and river
Zdrs: 4
While giving birth to the fire god, Izanami dies. Izanagi follows her to the world of the dead to bring her back.
Zdrs: 5
NO! I want to stay here.
Come back with me.
Izanagi followed her to the underworld and told her to come back, but she refused.
Zdrs: 6
On the way back from the underworld, Izanagi brought back impurities. He washed with water to clean the impurities. The drops that fell from that water became the sun goddess Amaterasu and Susanowo the storm god.