Hey Leon! have you heard that we are learning about this thing called digital citizenship today?
Andy! yes, I remember we were told yesterday. I cant wait! walk with me to class Andy.
Zdrs: 2
Welcome, everyone! Today you will be learning about digital citizenship. Any questions?
Zdrs: 3
Ma'am what is digital citizenship?
Does it have to do with phone's and computer's
Zdrs: 4
Yes it does Leon well done! I will explain what digital citizen ship is
Digital citizenship is when people, all of you use technology to engage with the world around you. You can be a digital citizen on social media, websites or anywhere on the internet
Zdrs: 5
Maintain a positivedigital footprint
Blue-Tacked on the board are examples of social media apps you might use at home.
What ever you all do online having a positive digital footprint is important. For example having a profile pic of you smiling instead of doing something rude is having a positive digital footprint. Can any of you think of more examples of positive digital footprint