The New Girl
Lunch Time
The Mash Potato Explosion!
The Telling
A Talking Too
The Bathroom Visit
Mikayla comes too school in ratty old clothes
and gets introduced to the whole class.
Sound: Mumbling and teachers voice
MIkayla is eating lunch when the
popular mean girls Sophie and Alana
come up too her and make fun of her about
what she is eating
Sound: Kids talking
Sophie and Alana throw potato on Mikayla
Sound: People laughing
Mikayla goes to tell the teacher that
Sophie and Alana through mashed potato
in her face
Sound: People Mumbling
The teacher has a talk with
Sophie and Alana about
Sound Clock Ticking and School bell
Sophie and Alana are mad that Mikayla
snitched on them they are really
mean and Mikayla runs
out of the bathroom crying
Sound: Toilets Flushing
Nom Nom Nom
Eww look at what she is eating it's gross!
I know right she is such a loser!
Eww look at
her clothes
and her hair!
Hello class this is
our new student
a loser!
They through mash
potato in my face
Really I will talk
to them
What a baby
am I right
So Right
I can't believe you
told the teacher
on us your going
to pay.
Girls that was
very mean of you
fine were sorry
Whatever that brat
it going to get it
I'm sorry but you
guys were being
really mean to me
Hi everyone
The New Girl
Lunch Time
The Mash Potato Explosion!
The Telling
A Talking Too
The Bathroom Visit
Mikayla comes too school in ratty old clothes
and gets introduced to the whole class.
Sound: Mumbling and teachers voice
MIkayla is eating lunch when the
popular mean girls Sophie and Alana
come up too her and make fun of her about
what she is eating
Sound: Kids talking
Sophie and Alana throw potato on Mikayla
Sound: People laughing
Mikayla goes to tell the teacher that
Sophie and Alana through mashed potato
in her face
Sound: People Mumbling
The teacher has a talk with
Sophie and Alana about
Sound Clock Ticking and School bell
Sophie and Alana are mad that Mikayla
snitched on them they are really
mean and Mikayla runs
out of the bathroom crying
Sound: Toilets Flushing
Nom Nom Nom
Eww look at what she is eating it's gross!
I know right she is such a loser!
Eww look at
her clothes
and her hair!
Hello class this is
our new student
a loser!
They through mash
potato in my face
Really I will talk
to them
What a baby
am I right
So Right
I can't believe you
told the teacher
on us your going
to pay.
Girls that was
very mean of you
fine were sorry
Whatever that brat
it going to get it
I'm sorry but you
guys were being
really mean to me
Hi everyone
The New Girl
Lunch Time
The Mash Potato Explosion!
The Telling
A Talking Too
The Bathroom Visit
Mikayla comes too school in ratty old clothes
and gets introduced to the whole class.
Sound: Mumbling and teachers voice
MIkayla is eating lunch when the
popular mean girls Sophie and Alana
come up too her and make fun of her about
what she is eating
Sound: Kids talking
Sophie and Alana throw potato on Mikayla
Sound: People laughing
Mikayla goes to tell the teacher that
Sophie and Alana through mashed potato
in her face
Sound: People Mumbling
The teacher has a talk with
Sophie and Alana about
Sound Clock Ticking and School bell
Sophie and Alana are mad that Mikayla
snitched on them they are really
mean and Mikayla runs
out of the bathroom crying
Sound: Toilets Flushing
Nom Nom Nom
Eww look at what she is eating it's gross!
I know right she is such a loser!
Eww look at
her clothes
and her hair!
Hello class this is
our new student
a loser!
They through mash
potato in my face
Really I will talk
to them
What a baby
am I right
So Right
I can't believe you
told the teacher
on us your going
to pay.
Girls that was
very mean of you
fine were sorry
Whatever that brat
it going to get it
I'm sorry but you
guys were being
really mean to me
Hi everyone
The New Girl
Lunch Time
The Mash Potato Explosion!
The Telling
A Talking Too
The Bathroom Visit
Mikayla comes too school in ratty old clothes
and gets introduced to the whole class.
Sound: Mumbling and teachers voice
MIkayla is eating lunch when the
popular mean girls Sophie and Alana
come up too her and make fun of her about
what she is eating
Sound: Kids talking
Sophie and Alana throw potato on Mikayla
Sound: People laughing
Mikayla goes to tell the teacher that
Sophie and Alana through mashed potato
in her face
Sound: People Mumbling
The teacher has a talk with
Sophie and Alana about
Sound Clock Ticking and School bell
Sophie and Alana are mad that Mikayla
snitched on them they are really
mean and Mikayla runs
out of the bathroom crying
Sound: Toilets Flushing
Nom Nom Nom
Eww look at what she is eating it's gross!
I know right she is such a loser!
Eww look at
her clothes
and her hair!
Hello class this is
our new student
a loser!
They through mash
potato in my face
Really I will talk
to them
What a baby
am I right
So Right
I can't believe you
told the teacher
on us your going
to pay.
Girls that was
very mean of you
fine were sorry
Whatever that brat
it going to get it
I'm sorry but you
guys were being
really mean to me
Hi everyone
The New Girl
Lunch Time
The Mash Potato Explosion!
The Telling
A Talking Too
The Bathroom Visit
Mikayla comes too school in ratty old clothes
and gets introduced to the whole class.
Sound: Mumbling and teachers voice
MIkayla is eating lunch when the
popular mean girls Sophie and Alana
come up too her and make fun of her about
what she is eating
Sound: Kids talking
Sophie and Alana throw potato on Mikayla
Sound: People laughing
Mikayla goes to tell the teacher that
Sophie and Alana through mashed potato
in her face
Sound: People Mumbling
The teacher has a talk with
Sophie and Alana about
Sound Clock Ticking and School bell
Sophie and Alana are mad that Mikayla
snitched on them they are really
mean and Mikayla runs
out of the bathroom crying
Sound: Toilets Flushing
Nom Nom Nom
Eww look at what she is eating it's gross!
I know right she is such a loser!
Eww look at
her clothes
and her hair!
Hello class this is
our new student
a loser!
They through mash
potato in my face
Really I will talk
to them
What a baby
am I right
So Right
I can't believe you
told the teacher
on us your going
to pay.
Girls that was
very mean of you
fine were sorry
Whatever that brat
it going to get it
I'm sorry but you
guys were being
really mean to me
Hi everyone
The New Girl
Lunch Time
The Mash Potato Explosion!
The Telling
A Talking Too
The Bathroom Visit
Mikayla comes too school in ratty old clothes
and gets introduced to the whole class.
Sound: Mumbling and teachers voice
MIkayla is eating lunch when the
popular mean girls Sophie and Alana
come up too her and make fun of her about
what she is eating
Sound: Kids talking
Sophie and Alana throw potato on Mikayla
Sound: People laughing
Mikayla goes to tell the teacher that
Sophie and Alana through mashed potato
in her face
Sound: People Mumbling
The teacher has a talk with
Sophie and Alana about
Sound Clock Ticking and School bell
Sophie and Alana are mad that Mikayla
snitched on them they are really
mean and Mikayla runs
out of the bathroom crying
Sound: Toilets Flushing
Nom Nom Nom
Eww look at what she is eating it's gross!
I know right she is such a loser!
Eww look at
her clothes
and her hair!
Hello class this is
our new student
a loser!
They through mash
potato in my face
Really I will talk
to them
What a baby
am I right
So Right
I can't believe you
told the teacher
on us your going
to pay.
Girls that was
very mean of you
fine were sorry
Whatever that brat
it going to get it
I'm sorry but you
guys were being
really mean to me
Hi everyone
The New Girl
Lunch Time
The Mash Potato Explosion!
The Telling
A Talking Too
The Bathroom Visit
Mikayla comes too school in ratty old clothes
and gets introduced to the whole class.
Sound: Mumbling and teachers voice
MIkayla is eating lunch when the
popular mean girls Sophie and Alana
come up too her and make fun of her about
what she is eating
Sound: Kids talking
Sophie and Alana throw potato on Mikayla
Sound: People laughing
Mikayla goes to tell the teacher that
Sophie and Alana through mashed potato
in her face
Sound: People Mumbling
The teacher has a talk with
Sophie and Alana about
Sound Clock Ticking and School bell
Sophie and Alana are mad that Mikayla
snitched on them they are really
mean and Mikayla runs
out of the bathroom crying
Sound: Toilets Flushing
Nom Nom Nom
Eww look at what she is eating it's gross!
I know right she is such a loser!
Eww look at
her clothes
and her hair!
Hello class this is
our new student
a loser!
They through mash
potato in my face
Really I will talk
to them
What a baby
am I right
So Right
I can't believe you
told the teacher
on us your going
to pay.
Girls that was
very mean of you
fine were sorry
Whatever that brat
it going to get it
I'm sorry but you
guys were being
really mean to me
Hi everyone