It is a natural resource which will replenish to replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption.
Zdrs: 2
What is non-renewable resource?
Zdrs: 3
Advantages:We can prepare non-renewable supplies at almost any location, Non-renewables produce more power after the refinement process, The global economy depends on the presence of non-renewables.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using non-renewable resources?
Zdrs: 4
What are the alternative fuels?
Fossil fuels polluting the environment by emitting toxic pollutants as well as they'll be exhausted soon.As a necessity we must find out alternative fuels.
Zdrs: 5
What are examples of renewable and non-renewable resources?
Advantages:Renewable energy wont run out, maintain requirements are lower, has numerous health and environmental benefits, saves money,
Zdrs: 0
It is a natural resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a quick enough pace to keep up with consumption.
Disadvantages: Non-renewable energies lead to high levels of pollution, Fossil fuel combustion is dangerous to our health, Non-renewable energy refinement destroys the environment.
Some of the alternative fuels are:Biodiesel, wind energy, gobar gas etc..
Disadvantages:Non-renewable energies lead to high levels of pollution, Fossil fuel combustion is dangerous to our health, Non-renewable energy refinement destroys the environment.
Advantages:The global economy depends on the presence of non-renewables. Non-renewables produce more power after the refinement process, We can prepare non-renewable supplies at almost any location,