Pregled Aktivnosti
Ko se bodo učenci učili postavljati vprašanja v francoščini, bodo morali obvladati zasliševalne pridevke. Izkoristite vizualne slike, da študentom omogočite vadbo in odgovarjanje na vprašanja. Študenti bodo v tej dejavnosti uporabili T grafikon, da bodo postavili vprašanja o scenarijih in odgovorili nanje. Študenti lahko ustvarijo svoje lastne scenarije in morajo v vsakem vprašanju vaditi obrnjena vprašanja in uporabljati vprašljive pridevke.
Nalogo naredite bolj zapleteno, tako da boste morali v določenem času zapisati vprašanja in odgovore ali uporabiti različne zaimke. Nalogo poenostavite ali pretvorite v delovni list tako, da študentom zagotovite slike in / ali odgovor in jih postavite le tako, da oblikujejo ustrezno vprašanje. Za ustno vadbo besedilo v celoti izločite in učence naj predstavijo v skupinah svoje slike, pri čemer sošolci prosijo, naj si izmislijo logična vprašanja in odgovore.
Predloga in Class Navodila
(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)
Navodila za študente
S T grafikonom vadite postavljanje in odgovarjanje na vprašanja z zaslišljivimi pridevniki ( quel, quelle, quel, quelles ).
- Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
- V levem stolpcu ustvarite štiri prizore.
- V opisnih poljih postavite vprašanje o vsakem prizoru z uporabo obrnjene oblike vprašanj.
- V desnem stolpcu ustvarite prizor, ki bo odgovoril na vaše vprašanje.
- Na vprašanje odgovorite s stavkom v opisnem polju.
- Shranite in pošljite svojo zgodbo.
Lekcija Načrt Reference
(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)
Excellent 25 Points | Satisfaisant 19 Points | Insuffisant 13 Points | |
Interrogative adjectives | Each interrogative adjective is correct in number and gender. Placement of all interrogative adjective is correct. | One interrogative adjective is incorrect in number and gender. One interrogative adjective is misplaced. | Two or more interrogative adjectives are incorrect in number and gender. Two or more interrogative adjectives are misplaced. |
Each question is ordered correctly and includes proper inversion of the subject and verb. | Each question is ordered correctly and includes proper inversion of the subject and verb. | One question is ordered incorrectly and/or lacks proper inversion of the subject and verb. | Two or more questions are ordered incorrectly and/or lack proper inversion of the subject and verb. |
Images | All the interrogative adjectives make logical sense in the sentences and fit the storyboard images. Both the question and the response images agree in number and gender with the text. | Most of the interrogative adjectives make logical sense in the sentences and fit the storyboard images. Most of the question and response images agree in number and gender with the text. | Many of the interrogative adjectives do not make logical sense in the sentences or fit the storyboard images. Many of the question and response images fail to agree in number and gender with the text. |
Spelling/Grammar | All sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level. | Most sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level. | The sentences and/or dialogue contain many grammatical or spelling errors (including accent marks). |
Pregled Aktivnosti
Ko se bodo učenci učili postavljati vprašanja v francoščini, bodo morali obvladati zasliševalne pridevke. Izkoristite vizualne slike, da študentom omogočite vadbo in odgovarjanje na vprašanja. Študenti bodo v tej dejavnosti uporabili T grafikon, da bodo postavili vprašanja o scenarijih in odgovorili nanje. Študenti lahko ustvarijo svoje lastne scenarije in morajo v vsakem vprašanju vaditi obrnjena vprašanja in uporabljati vprašljive pridevke.
Nalogo naredite bolj zapleteno, tako da boste morali v določenem času zapisati vprašanja in odgovore ali uporabiti različne zaimke. Nalogo poenostavite ali pretvorite v delovni list tako, da študentom zagotovite slike in / ali odgovor in jih postavite le tako, da oblikujejo ustrezno vprašanje. Za ustno vadbo besedilo v celoti izločite in učence naj predstavijo v skupinah svoje slike, pri čemer sošolci prosijo, naj si izmislijo logična vprašanja in odgovore.
Predloga in Class Navodila
(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)
Navodila za študente
S T grafikonom vadite postavljanje in odgovarjanje na vprašanja z zaslišljivimi pridevniki ( quel, quelle, quel, quelles ).
- Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
- V levem stolpcu ustvarite štiri prizore.
- V opisnih poljih postavite vprašanje o vsakem prizoru z uporabo obrnjene oblike vprašanj.
- V desnem stolpcu ustvarite prizor, ki bo odgovoril na vaše vprašanje.
- Na vprašanje odgovorite s stavkom v opisnem polju.
- Shranite in pošljite svojo zgodbo.
Lekcija Načrt Reference
(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)
Excellent 25 Points | Satisfaisant 19 Points | Insuffisant 13 Points | |
Interrogative adjectives | Each interrogative adjective is correct in number and gender. Placement of all interrogative adjective is correct. | One interrogative adjective is incorrect in number and gender. One interrogative adjective is misplaced. | Two or more interrogative adjectives are incorrect in number and gender. Two or more interrogative adjectives are misplaced. |
Each question is ordered correctly and includes proper inversion of the subject and verb. | Each question is ordered correctly and includes proper inversion of the subject and verb. | One question is ordered incorrectly and/or lacks proper inversion of the subject and verb. | Two or more questions are ordered incorrectly and/or lack proper inversion of the subject and verb. |
Images | All the interrogative adjectives make logical sense in the sentences and fit the storyboard images. Both the question and the response images agree in number and gender with the text. | Most of the interrogative adjectives make logical sense in the sentences and fit the storyboard images. Most of the question and response images agree in number and gender with the text. | Many of the interrogative adjectives do not make logical sense in the sentences or fit the storyboard images. Many of the question and response images fail to agree in number and gender with the text. |
Spelling/Grammar | All sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level. | Most sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level. | The sentences and/or dialogue contain many grammatical or spelling errors (including accent marks). |
Več Storyboard That Dejavnosti za
Francoski Pridevniki
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© 2025 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Vse pravice pridržane.
StoryboardThat je blagovna znamka družbe Clever Prototypes , LLC in registrirana pri Uradu za patente in blagovne znamke ZDA