Pregled Aktivnosti
Timelines are a helpful way for students to organize facts, people and events and to visualize how certain events impacted those that followed. By using the Storyboard That Creator to construct a timeline, students go beyond simply memorizing dates and are able to think critically about how to illustrate and describe important events.
This example highlights a few of the important dates in early Canadian history, however, any topic could be used. Teachers could have students create timelines of specific historical periods that they are studying. They could illustrate the progression of a topic through the ages such as the history of voting rights or the history of the printing press! Timelines could be used in ELA to show the progression of events throughout a story or a biography of a person's life. The possibilities are endless!
For an alternative to the timeline layout, have students create a timeline poster or a worksheet sized timeline to incorporate into a presentation or gallery walk. You can add more than one template to this assignment to give students lots of options and adjust the instructions accordingly.
Predloga in Class Navodila
(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)
Due Date:
Objective: Create a timeline in chronological order with accurate dates, descriptions. and illustrations for 5-10 important events relating to your topic.
Student Instructions:
- Click “Start Assignment”.
- Choose 5-10 important events related to your topic.
- In the timeline template, click on “Timeline Dates”, and write the dates of each milestone in the date cells in chronological order. Then click “update timeline”.
- For each cell, write a title at the top and write a 1-3 sentence description at the bottom for each event.
- Create an illustration that represents each event using appropriate scenes, characters, and items.
- Save and exit when you're finished.
Requirements: 5-10 events listed with correct dates, 1-3 sentence description and appropriate illustration.
Lekcija Načrt Reference
(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)
Usposobljeni 33 Points | Nastajajoča 25 Points | Začetek 17 Points | |
Dogodki in Datumi | Dogodki izbrani za časovni premici so pomembne in pomembni za splošno razumevanje časovnega obdobja. Datumi, predvideni so pravilne. | Večina dogodkov, izbranih za časovnici so pomembne in pomembni za splošno razumevanje časovnega obdobja. Večina datumov, ki so pravilne. | Nekaj dogodkov, izbranih za časovni premici so pomembne. Tam lahko manjkajo prireditve in dogodki, ki so nepomembni. Preveč datumi morda napačna. |
Pojasnila / Opisi | Razlage in opisov, predvideni za vsak dogodek, so točni in zagotavlja vpogled v pomen dogodkov. | Razlage in opisov, predvideni za vsak dogodek so večinoma točni in poskušali zagotoviti vpogled v pomen dogodkov. | Obstaja več nebo vpijoče netočnosti pojasnila ali opisi dogodkov. Tam lahko malo ali nič vpogled int pomenu dogodkov, ali informacij, ki so lahko tudi omeji ali manjka. |
English Konvencije | Obstaja 0-2 napake v črkovanju, slovnice in mehanike. | Obstaja 3-4 napake v črkovanju, slovnice in mehanike. | Obstaja 5 ali več napak v črkovanju, slovnice in mehanike. |
Pregled Aktivnosti
Timelines are a helpful way for students to organize facts, people and events and to visualize how certain events impacted those that followed. By using the Storyboard That Creator to construct a timeline, students go beyond simply memorizing dates and are able to think critically about how to illustrate and describe important events.
This example highlights a few of the important dates in early Canadian history, however, any topic could be used. Teachers could have students create timelines of specific historical periods that they are studying. They could illustrate the progression of a topic through the ages such as the history of voting rights or the history of the printing press! Timelines could be used in ELA to show the progression of events throughout a story or a biography of a person's life. The possibilities are endless!
For an alternative to the timeline layout, have students create a timeline poster or a worksheet sized timeline to incorporate into a presentation or gallery walk. You can add more than one template to this assignment to give students lots of options and adjust the instructions accordingly.
Predloga in Class Navodila
(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)
Due Date:
Objective: Create a timeline in chronological order with accurate dates, descriptions. and illustrations for 5-10 important events relating to your topic.
Student Instructions:
- Click “Start Assignment”.
- Choose 5-10 important events related to your topic.
- In the timeline template, click on “Timeline Dates”, and write the dates of each milestone in the date cells in chronological order. Then click “update timeline”.
- For each cell, write a title at the top and write a 1-3 sentence description at the bottom for each event.
- Create an illustration that represents each event using appropriate scenes, characters, and items.
- Save and exit when you're finished.
Requirements: 5-10 events listed with correct dates, 1-3 sentence description and appropriate illustration.
Lekcija Načrt Reference
(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)
Usposobljeni 33 Points | Nastajajoča 25 Points | Začetek 17 Points | |
Dogodki in Datumi | Dogodki izbrani za časovni premici so pomembne in pomembni za splošno razumevanje časovnega obdobja. Datumi, predvideni so pravilne. | Večina dogodkov, izbranih za časovnici so pomembne in pomembni za splošno razumevanje časovnega obdobja. Večina datumov, ki so pravilne. | Nekaj dogodkov, izbranih za časovni premici so pomembne. Tam lahko manjkajo prireditve in dogodki, ki so nepomembni. Preveč datumi morda napačna. |
Pojasnila / Opisi | Razlage in opisov, predvideni za vsak dogodek, so točni in zagotavlja vpogled v pomen dogodkov. | Razlage in opisov, predvideni za vsak dogodek so večinoma točni in poskušali zagotoviti vpogled v pomen dogodkov. | Obstaja več nebo vpijoče netočnosti pojasnila ali opisi dogodkov. Tam lahko malo ali nič vpogled int pomenu dogodkov, ali informacij, ki so lahko tudi omeji ali manjka. |
English Konvencije | Obstaja 0-2 napake v črkovanju, slovnice in mehanike. | Obstaja 3-4 napake v črkovanju, slovnice in mehanike. | Obstaja 5 ali več napak v črkovanju, slovnice in mehanike. |
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StoryboardThat je blagovna znamka družbe Clever Prototypes , LLC in registrirana pri Uradu za patente in blagovne znamke ZDA