Generally, epic poems are mythological histories, meaning they are a melting pot of famous figures from history and historical events. In the case of The Odyssey, the battle of Troy is the beginning of the epic with the famous Odysseus, warrior of Ithaca, as its hero.
Epics typically begin as oral traditions being passed down for generations before being written down. To this end, epic poems have an order and repetition of the events that made them easier to remember. Due to their length, epic poems, like other oral traditions such as long speeches, often took days to tell!
You may be wondering, in what ways is The Odyssey an epic? Below, you will find several examples of epic poem elements in The Odyssey. The journey Odysseus goes on is truly what makes him memorable in ancient Greek society.
The hero of an epic poem is typically well known in his time, often reaching superstar status. In ancient legends, the hero often is either partially divine, or at least protected by the gods. The epic hero often gives many long, formal speeches throughout the poem.
The first cell of the example shows Odysseus’s notoriety and what makes him an epic hero. He came up with the idea of using the Trojan Horse to infiltrate Troy and seize the city during the Trojan War. For this, and acts like it, he was celebrated as a great leader and warrior.
The epic hero, who is usually the main character amongst other important characters, accomplishes feats no real human could, both physically and mentally.
Odysseus shows his strength many times. However, it is his defeat of the suitors that proves his superiority to normal men. After 20 years at sea, he returns home to find his estate overrun with men squandering his storerooms and trying to take his wife. Outnumbered ten to one, he kills them all, and restores his kingdom.
The actions of the hero span the continent, other realms, or even another world.
In Homer’s The Odyssey, much of the adventure happens in the Mediterranean Sea, on various islands. However, the hero also travels to the ancient Greek underworld in search of the prophet Tiresias.
Gods, demons, angels, time/space travel, cheating death, divine intervention, immortality, and other supernatural elements.
The gods of ancient Greece play a significant role in this epic. Athena is Odysseus' aide, Poseidon is his enemy, and Zeus...well he doesn't really want to get involved.
The style of epic poems is frequently ornate, drawn out, or exaggerated; it is a long narrative poem. The Odyssey is written in dactylic hexameter, which is a rhythmic scheme or metric format often used in Greek and Latin poetry. Epic poems usually begin with what’s known as, “medias res”, or the initial action that plunges the hero into their first adventure, also broadly referred to as the hero's journey.
Homer was not always subtle with his poetry. This is expected of an epic story. Some use of exaggerated style includes:
Epic similes and metaphors: You will find many epic simile examples in The Odyssey. Here is one example of an epic simile: “Her mind in torment, wheeling like some lion at bay, dreading the gangs of hunters closing their cunning ring around him for the finish.” Another example is when Homer repeatedly uses the term “rose red fingers” to mean the coming of dawn or a new day.
Epithets: That man skilled in all ways of contending.
The narrator sees and knows all.
Throughout The Odyssey, the narrator uses third person omniscient. He writes as though from a god’s point of view, witnessing and experiencing everything that takes place in the story.
(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)
Ustvarite storyboard, ki prikazuje šest elementov epski v Odiseje.
Učitelji lahko začnejo tako, da študentom predstavijo koncept Epic. Znajo podati preproste definicije in primere iz besedila. Za boljše razumevanje učencev lahko za razlago tega abstraktnega pojma uporabijo tudi vizualne elemente.
Status quo je vzpostavljen na začetku, predstavljeni so motivacija in cilji ključnih likov, naraščajoča aktivnost se pojavi na sredini, kjer se materializirajo napetosti in težave, zaključek pa vključuje vrhunec in razplet, kjer se rešijo nerazrešena vprašanja. Študentje lahko uporabijo to osnovno strukturo za analizo.
Osredotočite se na protagonista, glavnega junaka, katerega potovanje tvori temelj zgodbe. Preglejte pomembne podporne figure, ki vplivajo na protagonistovo pot ali služijo za poudarjanje pomembnih tem. Potovanje glavnih likov in dogodki, ki jih spremljajo, so glavni del Epa.
Nastavitve lahko služijo simboličnemu namenu. Junakovo potovanje skozi številna okolja lahko simbolizira njihove borbe ali osebni razvoj. Pomislite, kako svet, v katerem je ep, odraža moralo in ideologijo te kulture.
Določite glavne ideje (kot je usoda ali junaštvo) in ponavljajoče se teme (kot je zvestoba ali božansko posredovanje). Učenci lahko razmislijo tudi o načinih, na katere ljudje in situacije predstavljajo te ideje in motive.
Upoštevajte zgodovinsko in kulturno okolje epa in razmislite, kako je ep navdihnil poznejše običaje pisanja in pripovedovanja zgodb.
Epska poezija so zgodbe, pripovedovane v velikem obsegu, z vojskami, junaki, bogovi in surovimi silami narave, prikazanimi v dolgih lokih likov in širokih pokrajinah. Protagonisti se srečajo z ovirami in katastrofo, akcijo in zmagoslavjem. Skupaj z nekaterimi drugimi vzorci in niansami ti elementi razlikujejo epike od drugih stilov pisanja. V tem članku se boste naučili, kako učence naučiti elementov epske zvrsti z uporabo zabavnih snemalnih knjig, ki jih je enostavno ustvariti.
Da bi pesem veljala za epsko poezijo, mora vključevati naslednje elemente: legendarnega junaka, nadčloveške dogodivščine, več okoliščin, vpletenost nadnaravnega, epski slog pisanja in pripovedovalca, ki ve in vidi vse.
Odiseja je epska pesnitev, ker ima junak, Odisej, veličastne pustolovščine v različnih okoljih, ki vključujejo nadnaravno, medtem ko je pripovedovalec vedno prisoten. V Odiseji boste našli vseh šest elementov epske poezije.