Pregled Aktivnosti
Uporaba knjig za zgodbe je odličen način za razlikovanje študentov med nepopolnimi in pasivnimi kompozicijami . Študenti bodo s pomočjo T grafikona napisali stavke z uporabo nepopolnega in pasé sestavka ter ilustrirali prizore, ki jih bodo spremljali . Ta oblika lahko študentom pomaga ugotoviti več razlik med obema trenutkoma, na primer trajno ukrepanje v primerjavi s končnim dejanjem ali običajno delovanje v primerjavi z enkratnimi dogodki.
Vzorčna plošča je postavljena tako, da prikazuje tekoče dejanje, ki ga prekine enkratno dejanje. Slike slikovne plošče bodo učencem pomagale, da si zamislijo scenarij in še bolj utrdijo slovnična pravila. To je mogoče spremeniti in uporabiti kot predlogo za študente ali pa študenti lahko ustvarijo svoje scenarije iz priložene prazne predloge.
Predloga in Class Navodila
(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)
Navodila za študente
Uporabite grafikon T, da vadite pisanje v neprimerni in pasivni kompoziciji. Ustvari stavke, ki opisujejo končna in prekinitvena dejanja.
- Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
- V levem stolpcu opišite in prikažite dejanje v neprekinjenem izvajanju.
- V desnem stolpcu prikažite in opišite končno dejanje, ki prekine tekoče dejanje.
- Vključite angleški prevod svojega stavka.
- Ustvarite ilustracije z ustreznimi prizori, liki in predmeti.
- Shranite in pošljite svojo zgodbo.
Lekcija Načrt Reference
(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)
Excellent 4 Points | Satisfaisant 2 Points | Insuffisant 1 Points | |
Passé Composé | The storyboard includes correct use of the passé composé. All verbs are conjugated correctly and used in appropriate contexts. | The storyboard includes mostly correct use of the passé composé. Two out of three verbs are conjugated correctly and used in appropriate contexts. | The storyboard includes mostly incorrect use of the passé composé. At least two out of three verbs are conjugated incorrectly or used in inappropriate contexts. |
Imparfait | The storyboard includes correct use of the imparfait. All verbs are conjugated correctly and used in appropriate contexts. | The storyboard includes mostly correct use of the imparfait. Two out of three verbs are conjugated correctly and used in appropriate contexts. | The storyboard includes mostly incorrect use of the imparfait. At least two out of three verbs are conjugated incorrectly or used in inappropriate contexts. |
English translation | Each French phrase is correctly translated. | Most French phrases are correctly translated. | French phrases are not translated, or the majority are incorrectly translated. |
Storyboard Scenes | The storyboard depictions show strong effort and clearly convey the meaning of the text. The two scenes clearly show an ongoing action being interrupted. | Most storyboard depictions show effort and attempt to convey the meaning of the text. The two scenes attempt to show an ongoing action being interrupted. | The storyboard depictions show a lack of effort and fail to convey the meaning of the text. The two scenarios do not all show an ongoing action being interrupted. |
Spelling/Grammar | All sentences contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks). | Most sentences contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks). | The sentences contain many grammatical or spelling errors (including accent marks). |
Pregled Aktivnosti
Uporaba knjig za zgodbe je odličen način za razlikovanje študentov med nepopolnimi in pasivnimi kompozicijami . Študenti bodo s pomočjo T grafikona napisali stavke z uporabo nepopolnega in pasé sestavka ter ilustrirali prizore, ki jih bodo spremljali . Ta oblika lahko študentom pomaga ugotoviti več razlik med obema trenutkoma, na primer trajno ukrepanje v primerjavi s končnim dejanjem ali običajno delovanje v primerjavi z enkratnimi dogodki.
Vzorčna plošča je postavljena tako, da prikazuje tekoče dejanje, ki ga prekine enkratno dejanje. Slike slikovne plošče bodo učencem pomagale, da si zamislijo scenarij in še bolj utrdijo slovnična pravila. To je mogoče spremeniti in uporabiti kot predlogo za študente ali pa študenti lahko ustvarijo svoje scenarije iz priložene prazne predloge.
Predloga in Class Navodila
(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)
Navodila za študente
Uporabite grafikon T, da vadite pisanje v neprimerni in pasivni kompoziciji. Ustvari stavke, ki opisujejo končna in prekinitvena dejanja.
- Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
- V levem stolpcu opišite in prikažite dejanje v neprekinjenem izvajanju.
- V desnem stolpcu prikažite in opišite končno dejanje, ki prekine tekoče dejanje.
- Vključite angleški prevod svojega stavka.
- Ustvarite ilustracije z ustreznimi prizori, liki in predmeti.
- Shranite in pošljite svojo zgodbo.
Lekcija Načrt Reference
(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)
Excellent 4 Points | Satisfaisant 2 Points | Insuffisant 1 Points | |
Passé Composé | The storyboard includes correct use of the passé composé. All verbs are conjugated correctly and used in appropriate contexts. | The storyboard includes mostly correct use of the passé composé. Two out of three verbs are conjugated correctly and used in appropriate contexts. | The storyboard includes mostly incorrect use of the passé composé. At least two out of three verbs are conjugated incorrectly or used in inappropriate contexts. |
Imparfait | The storyboard includes correct use of the imparfait. All verbs are conjugated correctly and used in appropriate contexts. | The storyboard includes mostly correct use of the imparfait. Two out of three verbs are conjugated correctly and used in appropriate contexts. | The storyboard includes mostly incorrect use of the imparfait. At least two out of three verbs are conjugated incorrectly or used in inappropriate contexts. |
English translation | Each French phrase is correctly translated. | Most French phrases are correctly translated. | French phrases are not translated, or the majority are incorrectly translated. |
Storyboard Scenes | The storyboard depictions show strong effort and clearly convey the meaning of the text. The two scenes clearly show an ongoing action being interrupted. | Most storyboard depictions show effort and attempt to convey the meaning of the text. The two scenes attempt to show an ongoing action being interrupted. | The storyboard depictions show a lack of effort and fail to convey the meaning of the text. The two scenarios do not all show an ongoing action being interrupted. |
Spelling/Grammar | All sentences contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks). | Most sentences contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks). | The sentences contain many grammatical or spelling errors (including accent marks). |
Več Storyboard That Dejavnosti za
Francoski Glagoli v Kontekstu
Uvodna Šolska Ponudba
SAMO 500 $
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- 5 učiteljev za eno leto
- 1 ura virtualne PD
30-dnevna garancija vračila denarja • Samo nove stranke • Polna cena po predstavitveni ponudbi • Dostop velja za 1 koledarsko leto
© 2025 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Vse pravice pridržane.
StoryboardThat je blagovna znamka družbe Clever Prototypes , LLC in registrirana pri Uradu za patente in blagovne znamke ZDA