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"The One" and "The One Organization" Part 1

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"The One" and "The One Organization" Part 1
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This is the beginning of the Saga of Dick Everhard, Secret Agentman and his involvment with "The One" and "The One Organization" in saving the Rusty Bucketts Empire.

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  • 123 C.E. An Empire in Danger
  • oh, wo is me. I am such a loser. I have shown weakness for so long that the Bad Bad People-Gang want to steal my Kingdom from me, My Father the Great Brainimus Maximus would be so disappointed in me and my wife, "Sweet Klitoridis" will be very upset and probably no longer let me lick from her Honeypot!!!
  • The Confrontation with Sweet Klitoridis
  • My dearest, precious Sweet Klitoridis, my sweet Pot of Honey. I fear that I have failed both you and the citizens of Craven Moorsex, The Bad Bad People-Gang want to ..
  • Don't you Sweet Honeypot me, you imbecile. I am well aware of the situation. I should have married Phallus Maximus. You had better get this straightened out or you will never lick from my Pot of Honey again.
  • The Consultation with a Trusted Minister
  • Phallus Maximus, perhaps you are aware that the Bad Bad People-Gang are trying to steal my Empire. As my trusted Minister, I am in dire need of your council.
  • Greetings, Brainimus Minimus. I am indeed aware of the situation, As I was laying with , uh, I mean as I was saying, uh, Sweet Klitoridis has spoken with me. regarding the threat facing Craven Moorsex.
  • The Empire of Craven Moorsex having flourised for many centuries under the rule of the Brainimus Dynasty is in great danger. King Mavimus Brainimus has died and his only son Brainimus Minimus has shown his weakness to rule as his Ancestors had done and now the Bad, Bad People-Gang is out to overtake the Empire and enslave his citizens.
  • The Advice of the Trusted Minister
  • What do you suggest that I do Phallus Maximus?
  • My Lord, I have heard that a Secret Organization exists; that undertakes difficult missions. Perhaps this Organization can help you save your Empire.
  • Brainimus Minimus must confess to his wife Sweet Klitoridis the threat that confronts the Empire of Craven Moorsex
  • How to get in Contact with "The One"
  • Wow! this is indeed very happy news Phallus Maximus! How do I get intouch with this Secret Organization?
  • My Lord, if my information is correct, you must go to "The Really Spooky Cave" mediatate and await the arrival of a being called "The One". This may take hours or days as "The One" appears when and if he decides; I must warn you My Lord the journey is full of perils and dangers.
  • Brainius Minimus consults his trusted Minister Phallus Maximus and asks for his council,
  • Brainimus Minimus' Journey
  • Wow, this cave is indeed really spooky.Oh! by the looks of it, I could be here a while.
  • Phallus Maxmus
  • Brainimus Minimus is thrilled to hear the good news that Phallus Maximus has given and his hopes are high that his empire may indeed be saved.
  • Brainimus Minimus has been travelling for days and finially arrives at "The Really Spooky Cave" to mediatate and await the arrival of "The One"
  • Days Pass and Still no Sign of "The One"
  • oh please "have mercy on me and grant me the honor of your presence, this I humbly ask ask of "The One"
  • "The One" makes his Appearance
  • I beg of you "The One" please grant me. the...
  • ARISE!!; and speak Brainimus Minimus!
  • Questions and Answers
  • Is it really you? Are ou The Being known as "The One" The one who can help me save my Empire?
  • YES!! It is I, The All Powerful and All Knowing Being known to Mankind as only "The One"!
  • Days pass and still "The One" does not appear. Brainius Minimus is starting to doubt that "The One" will ever appear.
  • "The One" Knows All - Sees All
  • You need say no more; I know of the SItuation Brainimus Minimus! You have shown weakness and your inaptitude to govern the Empire of Craven Moorsex has caused this mess!!!
  • At last "The One"makes his appearance and commands Brainius Minimus to rise and speak.
  • An Angry "The One"
  • You, silly fool! I can not sit back and watch while the citizens of Craven Moorsex and the Empire itself are in such grave danger. Now Leave Me, return to The Capital, await my further instructions AND tell no one about our meeting! AND shave!
  • Having waited so long, Brainius Minimus is happy to finally have the Honor of meeting "The One"
  • "The One" Ponders his Options
  • This is indeed a grave problem facing Craven Moorsex. There is only one man in "The One Organization" who can accomplish such a mission. ... by the look of things I need to show up here more often
  • Brainius Minimus states the threat opposing Rusty Bucketts, but "The One" being "The One" is already aware of the situation.
  • "The One", The Bad Bad People are trying to...
  • "The One" is angry that Brainimus Minimus should pose such a question. It is and has been since the beginning of time the responsibility of "The One" and "The One Organization" to maintain the balance of power between good and evil in the Empire of Craven Moorsex.
  • Wiil you help me save my empire, "The One"
  • "The One" and "The One Organization" are posed with a most serious situation and "The One" knows that he must call upon his most gifted member of "The One Organization" to accomplish the task of saving Craven Moorsex from the Bad Bad People Gang and once again restore peace and harmony in the empire.
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